It’s so easy for a garage space to turn into a disaster area. This is a part of our home we often ignore and forget about, and before we know it, it’s full of all sorts of things, all thrown together in some sort of confusing disarray, all lying in wait for a giant avalanche of stuff to fall on you or your vehicle – that is, if you can even get your vehicle in there.
Your garage doesn’t have to be that way. There are numerous tips and tricks you can use to help get it under control and keep it that way. Garage organization takes some skill and for many, it is truly an art. The key is not only to get it organized once and for all but to also create systems that will help you keep it in order throughout the seasons and for years to come.
If you are looking for some garage organization tips, read on. We’ve compiled four of our best to help free you from the insanity. Try one or try them all, and soon you will have a garage of which you can be proud.
1. Purge
Tackling your garage can be overwhelming, so it’s best to enlist the entire family and set aside a whole day if you can. That way, if you finish early, you can use the extra time to reward the whole team, but if you need many hours to complete the task, you’ll have them.
Depending on how much space you have in your driveway, it might be wise to pull out every single thing to start. This will allow you to see what you have and will empty the garage for the following steps. However, it’s possible to purge without doing this, too, by working from one area to another.
Once you have assessed what has been in your garage, it’s time to determine what to do with it all. Every item should only pass through your hands once at this point, and you should decide if you want to keep it, donate it, or throw it away, and be firm with the decisions you make.
2. Add Shelving and Hangers
The best way to organize the items you plan to return to the garage is by storing them in a way that you can see them and so that they are accessible. None of the stuff in your garage will be used if you can’t get to it.
In order to accomplish this, you need to think vertically. Install as many shelves as you can along the walls and buy and label bins to store smaller items. Hooks and hangers also allow you to store things that are oddly shaped or that might not fit on the shelves.
3. Create Zones
When it comes time to put everything in its place, it’s smart to create zones so you know where to find everything and so all your stuff is organized in a logical way. Common garage zones include sports, lawn and garden care, tools, and camping gear, for starters, but the zones you include will vary based on your needs and interests.
5. Maintenance
Once you are done for the day, you and your family will be thrilled. However, in order for your garage organization project to truly work, it will need to be ongoing. Maintaining the organization you completed is crucial. Any time you remove anything from the garage, you should return it to its exact home immediately after use. This may seem annoying at first, but when you still have an organized garage months after your initial organization day, you’ll be glad you followed through.
Garage Organization Is Easy
Garage organization is easy if you set your mind to it. Although the project may seem immense and perhaps even terrifying, once you have a clean, organized garage in which all of your important items are store in an accessible way, you will feel so much better. Good luck!
One great way to keep your garage looking fresh and new is with a brand new floor coating. If you are interested in hearing more about our methods and results in the Denver metro area, please give us a call today!