Are you looking for smart ways to organize your home?
Like the family garage or a backyard shed, the basement is one of those places that can get cluttered easily. Fortunately, it isn’t hard to begin getting things organized again.
Keep reading for nine actionable tips for basement organization.
1. Make a Plan Before You Begin
Basement cleaning is no walk in the park. If yours has accumulated a lot of clutter, it might be a good idea to make a plan before you start.
Consider dividing your basement into sections and focusing on cleaning one part at a time.
2. Take it in Short Bursts
When it comes to decluttering tips, one of the most important ones to remember is that you shouldn’t feel like you have to do it all right now. You might want to work in 15-minute bursts instead of attempting to knock out everything at once.
3. Use Stackable Plastic Bins
Coming up with basement storage solutions is a big part of tidying up. One of the best ways to sort your belongings downstairs is to use large stackable plastic bins or tubs. You can find these at any home goods store or supermarket.
4. Hang Items From Ceiling Hooks
If you have an unfinished basement, you can fasten heavy-duty hooks into the beams in the ceiling for hanging things from. Bicycles, bags, and more can then be suspended from the ceiling out of the way.
5. Build Cubbies for Versatile Storage
Another option for convenient storage is to build wooden cubbies along one wall or corner. Totes, tubs, toys, and more can be neatly stored in cubbies. Although a project like this will require some hard work up-front, it should pay off in a big way across time.
6. Set Up a Pegboard
We’ve discussed a number of storage ideas so far. A simple way to store small hangable items is to set up a pegboard. Pegboards aren’t just for storing tools—you can also hang toys, heavy winter wear, or lawn care products on them.
7. Hang Curtains Over Messy Shelves
Although it’s not the best idea to simply hide messes out of sight, sometimes there isn’t much you can do to make a storage area look neat. In instances like this, it’s okay to hang up short curtains over shelves to hide what’s inside.
8. Use Lots of Labels
If you can’t identify something easily by looking at it, you could be setting yourself up for frustration later. To avoid this, use stickers and labels liberally to keep track of your belongings.
9. Throw Things Away
Last but not least, don’t be afraid to throw away what you no longer want or need. If you have a lot of items that you’re hanging on to “just in case,” it might be best to get rid of them.
Go Beyond Basement Organization With Garage Force
With that, you now have nine great ideas for basement organization to help you get started.
There’s a lot you can do to make your basement feel more like home. One idea is to get your basement’s concrete floor coated. Contact Garage Force to learn more and get a quote.